Summary: Alice’s Aunt Polly is one special lady. She bakes the best pies in town and gives them away at her little bakery. But more importantly to Alice, she is a wonderful aunt who always has a listening ear, a word of an encouragement, or a loving hug for her niece. Alice is devastated when Aunt Polly passes away and also quite surprised when Polly leaves her secret, award-winning pie crust recipe to her grumpy cat and leaves the cat to Alice. Unfortunately, Alice is not the only one trying to figure out the recipe. And in the midst of the mystery surrounding the secret ingredients, Alice tries to figure out how to make it through each day without Aunt Polly.
Thoughts: Pie is a sweet blend of loveable characters, mystery, hilarious hijinks, and realistic feelings of loss and sadness. Mix in scrumptions pie recipes gathered by the author from friends and family, and you’ve got a satisfying read that will leave you craving a big slice of homemade pie. (Those recipes will come in handy!)
Visit author Sarah Week’s website to read the first chapter of Pie and to learn more about Ms. Weeks & her writing.