Summary: It’s 1962. Franny is fighting with her best friend and struggling as a misunderstood middle child stuck between a saintly younger brother and a beautiful college-aged sister. But, these problems fade when the nation learns Russia has sent nuclear missiles to Cuba and the frightening threat of war hangs in the air.
Thoughts: What a captivating historical novel! I love the way the author creatively incorporates the photos, news clips, lyrics, speeches, and cartoons from the era throughout the book; it really gives the reader a feel for the times. Franny is a spunky, hilarious narrator who realistically tells this compelling story in a way that brings insight into the unsettling times and steals the reader’s heart. She deals with the typical problems of a school-aged kid as well as the unique fears faced by Americans during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This is the first book in a trilogy, and I look forward to reading more in the upcoming volumes. If you are a fan of historical fiction, strong heroines, the 1960s, the JFK years, or just well-crafted stories, check out Countdown, Book One of The Sixties Trilogy.