The Pink Suit is based on the story behind the iconic pink suit Jacqueline Kennedy wore that fateful day in Dallas in 1963. This unforgettable ensemble and many others from “The Wife’s” wardrobe came from Chez Ninon, an exclusive New York boutique specializing in creating French-inspired designs for American royalty. The book incorporates factual information into a fictionalized tale about all those involved in the creation of the suit – from the President who ordered the suit for the First Lady to Coco Chanel who designed it to the eclectic ladies who ran Chez Ninon to Kate, the talented seamstress who labored over every stitch and pleat to craft the perfect pieces.
This is a fascinating tale of fashion, politics, New York City, and love. It focuses mostly on the seamstress Kate, which I didn’t expect, but really enjoyed. The novel transports the reader into 1960s NYC as experienced by an Irish immigrant. Kate lives in an Irish neighborhood and has captured the attention of Patrick, the local butcher. But, her world is quite different than his as she selects fabrics, perfects stitches, and imagines but never attends the events for which her designs are created. The Pink Suit is a unique, captivating novel that takes readers behind the scenes of a fashion boutique and of an unforgettable moment of history.